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Trekking in Riva del Garda

Trekking around Riva del Garda is an explosion of colour, emotions, unforgettable and breath-taking scenery.  Starting from the Garda Sporting Club Hotel you can easily reach the most beautiful paths in the valley or high up, visit characteristic villages, take walks with the children or even choose to try a spectacular via ferrata!

We have out together a few ideas to give you some useful insights.  When you arrive at the hotel please ask for more information we can give you all the help you need…


Trekking with a view of Lake Garda

One of the most loved aspects for those who discover the routes around the lake for the first time is the panoramic view from the paths: many of them allow you to admire the blue water surrounded by the green Mediterranean woods and see Riva, Arco, Torbole and the small villages in Basso Sarca from up high.

Some of the most famous routes overlooking Lake Garda are  the Ponale and the Busatte Tempesta path.



The mountains around the Lake

When people say Lake Garda they only think about the water, windsurfing, sailing, and days on the beach. Yet our lake is surrounded by mountains that reach up to 2,000 m above sea level; with holm oak woods similar to the Mediterranean ones and pastures dominated by large patches of pine trees.
In particular, Monte Baldo with its ancient flowers that have been able to resist glaciations has been recognised as the Garden of Europe.


The area around Riva del Garda is perfect for the many families that every year choose our hotel as the base for their active holiday. Here you can choose from flat stretches that are also ideal for long walks with pushchairs, mid-mountain walks and panoramic trails at high altitude that are not so challenging, brief and interesting so therefore also suitable for small children.


For those that love adventure the area around the Garda Sporting Club Hotel is right up their street! Equipped with harness and carabiners you can try fascinating paths made of iron, ladders suspended in mid-air and vertical walls. There are numerous via ferratas in the area , for both beginners and experts… If you have never tried this new experience before but would like to have a go you can take part in our guided excursions !



Many trekking routes around Riva del Garda start from really unique places which we recommend you visit. We have Riva and Torbole with ancient palaces and churches, Arco with its castle and characteristic narrow streets, as well as villages that seem to come from another era such as Canale di Tenno that every year hosts the fascinating Christmas markets. Not to be missed are the interesting archaeological sites such as the San Martino Archaeological Park and those near the Pile-Dwelling Museum of Lake Ledro and the  Faivè Pile Dwelling Museum, with workshops, costumed characters and tours for small children.

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